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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 39.7%

A:   236   Joined
B:   359   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to the
C. K. McClatchy High School

Class of 1963 Website

236 Classmates Have Joined the Website
Homepage Visits: 147,905

On this site, you can:

  • create your personal profile and add your photos.
  • send private messages to  classmates and post on Message Forum.
  • plus many other features!

This site is maintained by your fellow classmates on a hosted website. Full access is limited to registered classmates and guests only, and requires verification before joining. No personal information is ever shared or available to third parties! 


Please Note: This pre-reunion survey has changed.
It now contains only one question, which is:

As of now, are you planning to attend the reunion?
Yes, Yes+Guest, Maybe, No

We need your help in planning how many may attend.

Reunion Planning

The year was 1963. It was the last year we would try looking really cool while passing each other in the hallways. Our thoughts were emotional and as mundane as trying to remember to take our gym clothes home that Friday. We were all busy cleaning out our lockers for those naive sophomores who would inherit them 

It was a volatile decade. The Vietnam War was developing, civil rights legislation was being enacted. Drug use was announcing itself and becoming part of our mutual experiences. We were busy socially evolving and intent upon making our way through life, whatever that meant. We married, raised children and eventually became grandparents. Now, we're trying to recall why we stepped into a different room and "Remembering When" has become a common experience. The term "senior" has taken on a whole new meaning. So, what's next? 

As your reunion committee, we started thinking about our next event. We initially thought 2024 may be too soon. However, in the last 5 Years the committee has lost 3 members. We now think a yearly event may be more meaningful. Follow us on our McClatchy63 website for more details on what's being planned. 

Your Reunion Committee: Joan Bullock, Patti Barbara (Rogers), Jim Di Pinto, David Grandstaff, Bunny Hinrichsen (Grandstaff), Raymond Perez, Susie Waters (Caluza), Susie Weidman (Arnold) website extended thru November 2029.
Thank you, to everyone that made it possible to extend our website subscription from your donations and support.

The 60th reunion photos are now available for viewing: by registered classmates only. Click on the '60th Reunion Photos' tab on the upper left-hand side. For privacy concerns, if you are not registered on this website, you will not be able to view the photos. 

To become a member and register as a classmate, go to the Sign In window, upper right-hand corner and click on JOIN HERE. Then find and click on your name, and follow the instructions.

For questions or help, CLICK HERE to Contact Us.